This morning was my first open appearance for a divorce case.
Although is was a clean break joint petition...
I was glue-less as to what I need to do in court!
When I got the file from the partner, he said:
"F, I need you to go to a divorce case for me tomorrow morning..."
"You read the papers and see what you can do lar..."
Next morning, there I was, in the open court with two "born in the 80s" petitioners for divorce and their two beautiful kids, in court... waiting for the case to be called.
In my mind I was planning that since my case is number 3 on the list, I could at least see what other lawyers do before I stand up to do my "speech"...
"Mana lar tau"... my case was the first joint petition case called...
I was so nervous that I can't speak clearly and the judge went:
"girl, you are speaking too soft, I can't hear you if you don't speak up"
Judge CS called me a "girl"... Oh, am I flattered!
After making sure that the petitioners intend to proceed with the divorce, judge looked at the petition papers and asked why weren't there any provision for the maintenance of the children by the husband. The wife is already not asking for any maintenance but she will have sole custody of the two children, whey weren't the husband paying anything... uh oh... truth is I don't have the slightest idea... the petitioning husband on the other hand quickly told the interpreter that he intends to give maintenance to the children... and for that reason, I gave a very bad impression to judge who surely thought what an incompetent lawyer I was when the husband wanted to give provision but I didn't pray for the matter in the petition.
Sigh, no one in the court knows that I was there not for my own case...
After the matter, I went back to the office only to find out that actually it was the petitioning wife who has refused to take the money from the husband and therefore maintenance for the children was not prayed for...
Nevertheless, all and all, today's was a good experience for me...
I've finally actually seen how family court in session!
I think I'd like doing family cases although, I might not approve of divorce so lightly!
The petitioners I represented this morning for example are merely in the early twenties... they could have so much more years together... and the kids are still so young... sigh...