cracker: a bragging liar

~ definition by Merriam Webster

... I lie, I brag, I boast naturally... so please don't get serious about whatever I say or write :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Peter Pan

Bought a copy of Peter Pan (illustrated) from Popular Bookstore @ City Mall.


I never had the privileges of reading Peter Pan and other wonderful stories like Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Ox etc. So I tried to compensate the lost by getting these story books one by one.

I’ve just started reading the first chapter and already finding it difficult to read! So many unfamiliar words… and twisty sentences!

I read it over and over again still can’t figure out what was the author trying to say… :(

For eg: what’s a sweet mocking mouth?

Peter Pan

Peter Pan 1

1 comment:

  1. I grew up on such charming children's classics! Dad would take us to the public library each weekend and give us his cards and Mom's so we could borrow 4 books each! Those were the days!

    "Sweet mocking mouth" would be lips that are a bit pouty, a bit manja and mischievous at the same time.

    Hugs to Little Dan and all the other dogs.

