cracker: a bragging liar

~ definition by Merriam Webster

... I lie, I brag, I boast naturally... so please don't get serious about whatever I say or write :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Maggi and Me

I cried watching this advertisement,
because I totally relate to this character!


I practically grew up on Maggi Mee...
Until today, I connect with people who share the fond memory of the tv commercial "mee maggi cepat dimasak, sedap dimakan!"

Me and my brothers started having Maggi for lunch way before we started schooling!

When me and my brothers talked about having maggi when we were small, we were sure to talk about how one of us was too greedy to have the entire bowl of maggi and ended up being hospitalised after being scorched by hot maggi soup.

The story goes like this, one day, mom cooked maggi which was meant to be share by the three of us... but brother A demands to have it all  by repetitively saying "ngai oi sit sai gih"* ... mom was busy getting another bowl to portion the bowl of mee while brother A approached the hot bowl and tried to take it down from the stove by himself (he was 4 or 5 I think)... and then SPLASH! He had all the mee on his chest and cried mad! The soup was so hot it scorched him instantly... mom rushed with brother A (leaving me and brother I at home to no one) to the nearest neighbour (who stayed a quarter mile away) for help as she can't drive and dad was not home... all went well at the end although brother A had to stay in the hospital for a while... and mom was so worried then!





*in hakka, which means "I want to have it all!"

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